The Painting by Judith Owston in a panoramic view of the beautiful Upper Teesdale as the river Tees flows gently through the dale.

Thursday 18 November 2010

A long Day

A Long Day

Today I have been checking out new stock for my shop Step-In. I think there is a rumour that Christmas is about 4 to 5 weeks away much easier if I say just over a month. So the shop will be packed up to the roof with all those tempting little items, if I ever get this lot priced up and out. The buying in I think is hard, deciding whether I should buy this, will it sell. Till I start to unpack and then my mind whirls, why on earth did I buy that, mmmm’ I can’t remember ordering in this, but it does look rather nice. Eventually my head is spinning, my neck is stiff with bending over, I must be mad doing this job I think. Then I look round, every where looks so crowded, where on earth will I put it all. When buying in, I must say the size of one’s shop does not register, I just buy because those little £ signs seem to hang in front of my eyes and I see things people have asked me to get, (then of course they never come back).

Though not obvious to the eye when the customers comes, there is a sort of semblance of order to my shop even though the whole place looks chaotic. I have my soft toys all displayed together, mugs on a mug shelf, a small art room for all those budding artists, my chutneys, jams, and other confectionery assembled together. The jars of sweets behind the counter, ready to hand, for weighing out to customers, with the ice cream counter next, I put my paintings on higher shelves all around the shop. Yes it does have an order.
Then what happens, Christmas comes along with all its glitter, adding that extra bit which upsets the applecart, where do I put all these extra bits, but it has to be done and everything does look nice when all re-arranged.

I find my self wondering why do we put ourselves through all this chaos, is it in memory of Jesus birth? I somehow think he is not in our minds when we are buying those sort-after presents. Or do we just all get sucked into the bright lights welcoming us to join the swing of a good spending spree. Funny it is the one time in the year we do think about our loved one’s, even though they may not really want the present we have taken ages to choose pondering over at great lengths. It is the thought that counts my mother would tell me as I looked at the hand knitted jumper given by some Aunt which only seem to fit where it touched. So yes it is the thought that counts and people do put a lot of thought when buying the sort after gift. I know as I am at the other side of the counter.

So back to the start a long day sorting through stock and I have still a lot more to do, tomorrow is another day when I will be fresher and ready to go.  

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