The Painting by Judith Owston in a panoramic view of the beautiful Upper Teesdale as the river Tees flows gently through the dale.

Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas Poem,

The Guest

©Judith Owston

Taking her evening walk, on this cold and wintry night
Glittering in the sky above, a new star shinning bright
Must this be a sign she mused, walking through the wintry gloom
Still much in thought, she returned to her cosy sitting room

Now on her own, husband gone, her children flown the nest
Sometimes lonely she could be, as she clutched her heaving breast
The Christmas tree brought memories, and how they made her smile
As she reflected long on a time, time when she was but a child

A tinsel star on her tree she placed it well up high
Reminded her of the star she saw glittering in the sky
Tomorrow all her family, had promised they would come
Celebrating Christmas day, in her cosy sitting room

Peacefully, on her own, the hearth embers glowing red
Memories sad and happy churned around in her head
Waken, sudden from her reverie, a scratching at the door
Slowly she opened, peeped and saw a tiny muddy paw

Picking up the bundle of fluff, all unkempt and in a dirty mess
She felt its heart beat fast as she clutched it to her breast
A saucer of warmed milk she placed by the dying embers
Lapping greedily the little mite, seemed so frail and tender

The glittering star was it a sign that someone was to come
A little friend to share this eve, in her cosy sitting room
Christmas day tomorrow and her family would be there
Now an extra guest to share in all the festive fare

Christmas Bustle
©Judith Owston

Tinsel, twinkling lights, bustling people,
In the glittering rain
Rushing here, rushing there,
Tempers fraught with the strain,
Yes, Christmas is here again

So much to choose, where to start
On the move, no time to pause
Music loud, the same old tunes,
Rushing shoppers and many stores,
Yes, Christmas is the cause

You think you’ll win, panic set in
Not much time, what can I buy!
Crowds push you round, face in a frown,
Is it worth while, ask your self why,
Yes, Christmas is nearly nigh

Church, singing carols, turkey,
Christmas pudding, Christmas day,
Family, children, friends and parties
All talking, chattering, much to say
Yes, Christmas is here to stay.

The Secret
©Judith Owston

Mary wore a radiant glow
Only Dr. Gabriel was in the know
A secret Mary found so hard to bear.

Many were his exciting plans
Thought out by Joseph her young man
First plan was taking Mary to his tender care.
How Mary loved this handsome man
Hoping to share in all his plans,

Poor Mary anxious to impart
This news held deep with in her heart
With Joseph her most handsome beau
In the front room of Mary’s home
At last the young couple now all alone
Poor Mary can tell the news to Joseph
The one whom aught to know

This news left Joseph quite aghast
To think that Mary had a past
And Dr. Gabriel was the only one to know
To the house of Dr. Gabriel Joseph did not hesitate
He met the doctor in full glare outside his garden gate
Is this true of the news, that you and Mary share is so,

That she did not grow those breast her self
They are implants of gel, from your shelf.

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